One Place, One Child
We are a non-profit that helps children in our 7 counties (Daviess, Hancock, Henderson, McLean, Ohio, Union, and Webster) who have been sexually and/or physically abused, including survivors of sex trafficking.
We are always accepting donations of the items listed below. Your donation will help our center to continue to provide free services to our families.
- Individual snacks like sandwich crackers, chips, granola bars, gummies…
- Capri suns / Kool aid pouches
- Small bottles of water
- Paper towels
- Toilet paper
- Disinfectant spray
- Disinfectant wipes
- Garbage bags (all sizes)
- Liquid hand soap
- Travel size hygiene products
- Playdough
- Small toys for treasure box for young children like hot wheels, dolls, dinosaurs, color books, stickers, animal figurines
- Items for treasure box for older children like headphones, ear buds, colorful ink pens, adult coloring books, color pencils, chapsticks, basketballs, footballs, decorative notebooks, nail polish, lotion
- Monetary donations (can be mailed to 537 S. Green Street Henderson, KY 42420)
Items can be dropped off at our center, Mon-Fri, 8:30-4:30. We are located at 537 S. Green Street, Henderson, KY.
Our mission at the Children’s Advocacy Center of Green River District it to promote the prevention of child abuse and family violence in all its forms, and to promote interagency collaboration to improve community services for child abuse victims and their families.
Upcoming Fundraisers
Check back often for upcoming fundraisers.
Recent Fundraisers
We are governed by Kentucky Statute: KRS 620.020 (4)
Because we are non profit, we rely solely on grants, gifts and donations to enable us to continue to serve the children in our communities.
All of the proceeds of our fundraisers go directly to the Children’s Advocacy Center.
Find out more about our fundraisers on our Facebook page.